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Essay 24:

Profile photo of Hajar

August 31, 2015

In fact, as the new generation of “smart” robots, armed with greater intelligence and flexibility, manufacturer are more likely to replace them with workers because they are most cost effective. I think that the number of high-tech machines is expected to rise dramatically in the coming decades because thinking machines become more intelligent, versatile, and flexible.

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Session 6:

Session NO.: #6
 Session Name: (An Unprecedented Session)
o Suggested Key Words: creativity, initiative, productivity, innovativeness, etc.
o Developed by: “Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl”

1. What are some of the activities or thoughts that may kill your creativity or paralyze it a lot?
2. Name some techniques or activities that can help you to become more innovative and creative.
3. What is the significance of being creative in today’s life?
4. In the course of your life, are you becoming more or less creative?
5. In today’s life, can you be really successful and not creative simultaneously?

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Session 1:

Topic: “Is your life dissatisfaction due to your current situation or your own weaknesses?” o Suggested Key Words: self-control, life satisfaction, life management, life crises, etc. o Proposed by Hajar Zanjani  Questions: 1. Are you in control of your life or the other way around? 2. How do you manage crises in your life?…

Session 3:

Session NO.: #3  Session Name: (A Fulfilling Relationship)  Topic: “What do you do when other people don’t like you?” o Suggested Key Words: people skills, establishing rapport, interpersonal relationship, love, etc. o Proposed by “Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl”  Activities: 1. Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “6”.…