The Social Network (2010) Movie Analysis & Criticism

The Social Network (2010) Movie Analysis & Criticism

The Social Network (2010) movie analysis and film criticism based on the English Immersion Program for ESL students to practice the 4 language skills in an integrative manner The Social Network (2010) movie trailer The Social Network (2010) movie analysis The Social Network is a biographical drama film that delves into the tumultuous rise of…

Gladiator (2000) Movie Analysis and Film Criticism

Gladiator (2000) movie analysis and film criticism for advanced ESL students based on the English Immersion Program to practice the 4 language skills Gladiator (2000) movie trailer Gladiator (2000) movie analysis Gladiator is a historical epic that follows the journey of General Maximus Decimus Meridius. A loyal soldier and devoted family man, Maximus is betrayed…

Saga – English Flashcard for Saga with Synonyms

Saga - English Flashcard for Saga - LELB Society

Saga Saga (noun) /ˈsɑː.gə/ a series of related events – long story or novel – epic – story – tale – account – legend – chronicle: Once again, our grandpa launched into the long saga of how he met the grandma. In the small village nestled between misty mountains, a saga was born, passed down…